Books [Ben Dewey] Getting Started with Metro Apps: A Guide to the Windows Runtime



Get a head start on creating "Metro"-style apps for the approaching release of Windows 8. If you�re new to .NET programming, this introductory guide will quickly get you up to speed on the tools you need to build user interfaces with Microsoft�s new design language, code-named Metro. Learn how to use WinRT and the preview version of the upcoming Visual Studio release, and get tips and tricks for having your app published in the Windows Store.

Windows 8 brings some dramatic changes to the way users interact with computers and devices, and the Metro design language plays a key role. Whether you�re an experienced .NET developer, or build apps with HTML and Javascript, this book gets you in on the ground floor.

About the Authors
  • Ben Dewey is employed at Tallan as a Senior Software Developer where he consults on many projects around New York City, focusing on Architecture, Silverlight, ASP.NET and jQuery. He also works to develop Server Oriented Applications using WCF. Ben strives to create SOLID applications of the highest craftsmanship while paying special attention to clean User Experiences (UX).
    Ben is currently a committer on the Apache Stonehenge project, and is actively involved in numerous community events, from speaking at local user groups and helping to organize the ALT.NET Meetup in NYC.


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