Books [Cigdem Sengul, Anthony Kirby] Networking with the Micro:bit



This book presents a series of activities to teach the basics of computer networks. While you will not learn all aspects of computer networking, we hope that it will serve as a good starting point.

To network micro:bits, we use custom micro:bit radio to radio communication. When one hears the word radio, what comes to mind is the radio that blasts out tunes from your favourite radio broadcasting channel. But, a radio, or a radio transceiver (transmitter/receiver), is used in communications to generate and receive radio waves that contain information such as audio, video or digital data. And all micro:bits have built-in radios 1.

Each chapter presents interesting challenges in radio communications and networking with micro:bits. After every few chapters, there's an exciting game to look forward to! In the programming sections, you will use the JavaScript Blocks Editor to develop solutions to overcome those challenges 2.

Writing this book, we have assumed no knowledge of radio communications or networking. However, we assume that you have written programs with a micro:bit. For example, we expect that you are familiar with variables, if-then-else statements, and loops. The activities in each chapter will provide ample opportunity to put this knowledge into practice.


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