Books [Jeff Strong] Drums For Dummies



You’ve got rhythm…now learn how to use it! Drumming is universal; every musical culture in the world incorporates percussion. From just tapping a straight 4/4 beat with your foot to follow the radio, to the intricate polyrhythms of a West African ensemble, the possibilities of keeping time are limitless. If you just can’t stop yourself from banging on cans with bent twigs, rolling your fingertips on the kitchen table, or twirling an imaginary drumstick in the air when the radio plays “Sweet Home Alabama,” the only question is, how to get started?

Drums For Dummies takes you from the basics of what makes a drum right through how to carry a solo on a full kit. Whether you’re a budding Buddy Rich or a rising Ringo Starr, you’ll benefit from author Jeff Strong’s straight-ahead guidance on:
  • Rhythm
  • Technique
  • Drum sets
  • Other drums
  • World beats
  • Styles
  • Grooves Fills
Keeping the musical notation simple for total beginners, this book nonetheless delves into a wide range of music, allowing you to both sample forms of rhythm from across the globe and lay down a foundation in rock, funk, jazz, blues, and latin. At the same time, you’ll find out about the right way to splash a cymbol, kick a bass, slap a conga, scrape an udu, or ring the agogo bells.

You’ll also discover:
  • How to choose and tune your drums
  • Backbeats and syncopations
  • Drummers you should know about
  • Rattles, bells, and other such percussion instruments
  • How to get a feel for pulse and meter
  • African, Cuban, and Brazilian polyrhythms


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