Books [Jon Frost, Stefan Goessner and Michel Hirtzler] Learn SVG: The Web Graphics Standard



Learn SVG: The Web Graphics Standard is a beginner-level book that assumes basic knowledge of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Learn SVG is presented in a workbook-like format that lends itself to people who want both a solid foundation in the main aspects of SVG and who are willing to get their hands dirty with the fertile soil that SVG has to offer. The full challenge of the book is not for the faint of heart but the authors have made sure to thoroughly cover all the bases using concrete examples.

About the Authors
  • Stefan Goessner and Michel Hirtzler are two of the top names in the SVG world. Both presented at the SVG Open conference last year in Zurich, Switzerland and host their own Websites dedicated to SVG: Pilat Informative Educative and stefan.goessner. Jon Frost is a .Net application developer who has published several SVG articles.


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