Books [Juho Vepsalainen] SurviveJS - Webpack: From Apprentice to Master



Webpack is a powerful bundling tool made popular particularly by the success of Facebook's React. Webpack, a bundler, takes in assets and then transforms them into a form suitable for the browser. It happens to do this well. It isn't the easiest tool to learn due to its configuration driven approach, but despite this it's worth studying. By reading this book you will learn to:
  • Set up a Webpack based development and production environment. You can find the configuration online as well.
  • Understand Webpack's Hot Module Replacement (HMR) and how to configure it in various ways.
  • Learn to deal with styling with Webpack. This includes hashing and extracting styles to separate files.
  • Load different types of assets and even implement loaders of your own in a test driven manner.
  • Learn to load dependencies dynamically while your application or site is running.
  • Learn to configure React specific setup in an effective manner.
The book assumes you know basics of JavaScript and understand how to use npm.



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