Books [Michael Pont] Programming Embedded Systems using C



A guide designed for programmers with desktop experience in C. Key techniques required in all embedded systems are covered in detail, including the control of port pins and the reading of switches.

It's been suggested that there are now as many embedded systems in everyday use as there are people on planet Earth. Domestic appliances from washing machines to TVs, video recorders and mobile phones, now include at least one embedded processor. They are also vital components in a huge variety of automotive, medical, aerospace and military systems. As a result, there is strong demand for programmers with 'embedded' skills, and many desktop developers are moving into this area.

About the Authors
  • Michael Pont is an experienced software engineer, and began his first embedded project in 1986. Since then he has lectured and carried out research at the University of Sheffield and the University of Leicester, and has provided consultancy and training services to a range of international companies. He is the author of two previous books "Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems" and "Software Engineering with C++ and CASE tools".


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