Books [Paul P. Budnik Jr.] What is and What will be: Integrating Spirituality and Science



This book integrates science with values and meaning by making the simplest possible assumption about the connection between physical structure and conscious experience. The implications extend to the foundations of mathematics and physics suggesting that Einstein's Intuition near the end of his life was correct that continuous structures do not exist.

The book argues that spiritual instincts have evolved to connect us with the creative aspects of biological evolution which are crucial to long term survival. If the evolution of consciousness is allowed to expand without limit, then whatever ecstatic wondrous experience any being ever experiences is the merest hint of a shadow of what can be and that will always be the case.

This follows from Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem and the assumptions of this book.

About the Authors
  • Paul P. Budnik Jr. is a Ph.D. in computer science and a consultant at Mountain Math Software. He led major projects in image and signal processing, and provided creative solutions for difficult problems with quality management through project structure and tools that create transparency.


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