Books [Tim Hendtlass] Real Time Forth



This book has been written to provide information about using a computer with the real world to the two may work cooperatively together.

Forth is used as the language for interfacing for a number of good reasons. It is fast, especially when run on hardware designed for the language, but fast enough evenwhen run on general purpose equipment. It is interactive, providing an environment in which immediate testing as you go clarifies the task in hand and helps catch errors early so they canbe painlessly corrected. It is a rich, structured language that provides facilities useful forinterfacing that are missing in many other languages.

This book is not intended for the complete computer novice, but it certainly does not requirevery much previous computer experience on the part of the user. It assumes that you, dear reader, are computer literate. That is you have some knowledge of the computer hardware andsome small amount of experience of programming, but it makes no assumption asto what thelanguage you used might be.



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