Books [W. Jason Gilmore and Eric L. Barnes] Easy E-Commerce Using Laravel and Stripe



We Dew Lawns is a fictional multi-generational family business who has historically promoted their services through traditional media, including the phone book, mailbox flyers, and local newspaper advertisements. Grandson Todd McDew has recently taken the reins, and although he’s the first to admit being more comfortable wrenching on a lawn mower than typingon a keyboard, he’s determined to bring the company into the 21st century.After several meetings, Todd has concluded he would like to work with you on creating an official company website. However, in order to minimize risk and expense, he insists the project be completed in several phases. If after the completion of this first phase he declares satisfaction, you’ll be hired on to complete the next phase.

Each chapter of this book guides you through a new project phase. At the conclusion of each chapter you’ll be quizzed by Mr. McDew regarding various implementation decisions made throughout the phase, and if you can sufficiently respond to his questions you’ll be invited to work on the next phase. Although we will provide example responses to his questions, we encourage you to think about these and other questions a potential client might ask you on a future project! Below we’ll introduce each phase by way of its corresponding chapter description.


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